Process Information

The Process Information page shows you information about the selected process. Besides basic information such as process name and description, you can see advanced information like process steps and more.

Process steps are a list of steps you will perform once you start the process. These process steps are defined by the process developer.

Basic information

The Process Information page not only shows you basic information of the selected process such as process name and description, but also detailed information in the form of process steps.

To reach this page,

  • click on link More information of a process in the full Process List in grid mode.


  • click on link Show process overview on the Case details page of a case started by this process.


Process steps


At the top of the Process Information page, you see basic process information like name and description.

Depending on the process, you can see process steps that are defined by its developers. These process steps give you a clear picture of the flow of the process so you can work more efficiently with it.