
This section covers Portal roles, permissions and other settings.


Configure Portal Settings

To manually configure Portal settings, refer to HowTo: Update Portal Settings.

Portal settings are stored as Variables.

In development, it is a quite tedious task to configure Portal settings after restarting Designer. Therefore, update your variables in portal/config/variables.yaml for the settings that you want to configure. This survives restarting Designer.

Language Settings

To add a new language to the Portal, what you have to do is: - Export all CMS entries of the Portal to an Excel file. - Add one new column to the end of this file, then add the new language locale for example it for the Italian language to the first cell of this new column. Refer to Java supported locales for the supported locales.


  • Add the translations for the new language for all CMS entries.

  • Import the Excel file.

  • Redeploy the Portal.

Role Configuration

Portal roles



User having to this role can access the Portal Admin page, configure internal role properties, and create public filters. Users who own this role need some permissions.

Permission Settings

Configure permissions in the Engine Cockpit. In the security area, you will find all these permission in group “PortalPermissions”.

Task Permissions

  • Add note

    User needs permission: PortalPermission.TASK_CASE_ADD_NOTE.

  • Delegate

    To be able to delegate, the user needs permission PortalPermission.TASK_DISPLAY_DELEGATE_ACTION.

    To delegate personal or group tasks, user needs permission TaskWriteActivatorOwnTasks. This permission belongs to the PortalPermissions group. It is not assigned to role Everybody by default.

    To delegate all tasks in a task list, the user needs permission IPermission.TASK_WRITE_ACTIVATOR.


    Only tasks ready for user processing can be delegated. Therefore, the task state cannot be one of the following: CREATED, DONE, DESTROYED, RESUMED, FAILED.

  • Reset

    To see the reset action, the user needs permission PortalPermission.TASK_DISPLAY_RESET_ACTION.

    To reset tasks, the user needs permission: IPermission.TASK_RESET_OWN_WORKING_TASK or PortalPermission.TASK_RESET_READY_FOR_JOIN or IPermission.TASK_RESET.


    This only works for tasks in one of following states: RESUMED, PARKED, READY_FOR_JOIN, FAILED.

  • Delete

    To see the Delete Task action, the user needs permission IPermission.TASK_DESTROY.


    Delete Task only works if the task state is not already DESTROYED or DONE.

  • Reserve

    To see the Reserve action, the user needs permission PortalPermission.TASK_DISPLAY_RESERVE_ACTION.

    To reserve a task, the user needs permission IPermission.TASK_PARK_OWN_WORKING_TASK.


    Reservation is only possible if the task is in one of the following states: CREATED, RESUMED, SUSPENDED.

  • Change description

    User needs permission: IPermission.TASK_WRITE_DESCRIPTION.


    A terminated task cannot be changed. Therefore, the task state cannot be one of the following values: DONE, DESTROYED, FAILED.

  • Change deadline

    User needs permission IPermission.TASK_WRITE_EXPIRY_TIMESTAMP.


    To change an expiry date, the task cannot be in one of the following states: DONE, DESTROYED, FAILED.

  • Change priority

    User needs permission IPermission.TASK_WRITE_ORIGINAL_PRIORITY.


    To change task priority, the task cannot be in the following states: DONE, DESTROYED, FAILED.

  • Display additional options

    To see additional actions, the user needs permission PortalPermission.TASK_DISPLAY_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS.

Case Permissions

  • Add note

    User needs permission PortalPermission.TASK_CASE_ADD_NOTE.

  • Delete

    User needs permission IPermission.CASE_DESTROY.


    Case state has to be RUNNING.

  • Change description

    User needs permission IPermission.CASE_WRITE_DESCRIPTION.


    Case state cannot be DESTROYED.

  • See related tasks of case

    To see the related tasks action, the user needs permission PortalPermission.SHOW_ALL_TASKS_OF_CASE.

    To see related tasks, user needs permission IPermission.TASK_READ_OWN_CASE_TASKS or IPermission.TASK_READ_ALL.


    Case state cannot be DESTROYED.

  • Display show detail link

    User needs permission PortalPermission.SHOW_CASE_DETAILS. By default, this permission is not assigned to role Everybody.

Normal users can only see the tasks and cases that they can work on.

Administrators can see all tasks/cases in the application. The require Permissions IPermission.TASK_READ_ALL, IPermission.CASE_READ_ALL.

Administrators can interact with all workflows in the application.

Administrators can create, update and delete all workflows in the application.

Normal users can update and delete workflows that have been created by them and can interact with tasks that have been assigned to them.

Other Permissions


Permission required




Create, edit




Read absences of all users


Delete absences of all users


Create new absence for all users



Manage substitute



Upload, delete



Create Express workflow

PortalPermission.EXPRESS_CREATE_WORKFLOW (assigned to role Everybody by default)


Add dashboard

PortalPermission.STATISTIC_ADD_DASHBOARD_CHART (assigned to role Everybody by default)

Analyze, filter tasks and export data to excel for advanced analysis


Portal permission

Access to full process list, it’s “Processes” on the left menu and link “Show all processes” on Dashboard


Access to full task list, it’s “Tasks” on the left menu and link “Show full task list” on Dashboard


Access to full case list, it’s “Cases” on the left menu


Access to statistics it’s “Statistics” on the left menu and link “Show all charts” on Dashboard


Add note to task/case


Display show more note


Create public external link, all other users can see that link in full process list and can also add it to User Favorite


Virus Scanning Settings

PrimeFaces is delivered with one implementation of the interface that uses VirusTotal. To enable VirusTotal you need to create a community account at the VirusTotal website. You receive an API key once you have an account. To configure the API key add the following snippet to the configuration/web.xml file:

<param-value>PUT YOUR API KEY HERE</param-value>

By default, after you configured the context-param in the web XML file, the Virus Scanning is enabled. You can change the variable EnableVirusScanner to false in portal/config/variables.yaml if you want to disable virus scanning.

Reference: How to check if uploaded files contain a virus.


Files that are checked for viruses are uploaded to VirusTotal. If you may not store the data of your application on servers outside the internal network or a given country, you might want to refrain from using this solution.


These variables are stored as key-value pairs. They have to be edited in the Engine Cockpit.


Default value



0 0 6 * * ?

Cron expression defines the time to clean up data of obsolete users. E.g.: expression for at 6AM every day is 0 0 6 * * ? . Refer to crontrigger . Restart Ivy engine after changing this variable.



If set to true, the above cron job runs daily and will remove all finished hidden cases on the engine. Otherwise, just cases which were generated by this Portal will be deleted.



By default, Portal will query tasks and cases which are not hidden. If set to false, Portal will ignore this property.



By default, Portal will redirect to Login Page if login is required and the user is unknown. Set to false to redirect to the login error page and hide Logout in the User menu (when you use external authentication and the user is not present in your application user list.)


These variables are stored in JSON format. You can edit them in the cockpit, or use the UI on the Portal Admin settings.

Portal Announcement

The standard announcement for Portal is intended to be used for general information (e.g. Downtime, Changes, etc.). This message can be seen by all Portal users.

Filename: variables.Portal.Announcement.json

Data model:

{ "contents": [{
      "language": "en",
      "value": "The announcement content in english"
   "enabled": false
  • contents: list of supported languages and content for each language.

    • language: the language code such as en, de, es, and fr

    • value: the announcement content of that language

  • enabled: the status of the announcement, true shows the announcement

Third Party Applications Linked Into Portal

You can define your custom menu item in the following JSON file. It will be included in the left menu.

Filename: variables.Portal.ThirdPartyApplications.json

Data model:

[{    "id": "284352a58c7a48a2b64be8a946857c7a",
      "displayName": "{\"de\":\"AxonIvy ger\",\"en\":\"AxonIvy\"}",
      "menuIcon": "fa-group",
      "menuOrdinal": 1,
      "name": "{\"de\":\"AxonIvy ger\",\"en\":\"AxonIvy\"}",
      "link": "",
  • id: the identification number of a third-party application. It is an auto-generated UUID.

  • displayName: the display name of the app that is shown in the left menu. Supports multi-language.

  • menuIcon: the style class of the app icon that shows in the left menu.

  • menuOrdinal: index of the app. Used to sort menu items in the left menu.

  • name: the name of third-party app.

  • link: the URL of third-party app.

Portal Statistic Charts

You can define the standard statistic charts via the following JSON file. They will be shown as the default charts on the statistic page.

Filename: variables.Portal.StatisticCharts.json

Data model:

[{ "id": "42e2d9afd9824abc8d3a70b9d9867dba",
   "names": [{
         "locale": "en",
         "value": "Task chart"
   "type": "TASK_BY_EXPIRY",
   "filter": {
      "timePeriodSelection": "LAST_WEEK",
      "createdDateFrom": null,
      "createdDateTo": null,
      "selectedCaseCategories": ["Alpha_Company"],
      "selectedRoles": ["Everybody"],
      "isAllRolesSelected": false,
      "selectedCaseStates": ["RUNNING"],
      "isAllCaseStatesSelected": false,
      "selectedTaskPriorities": ["HIGH"],
      "isAllTaskPrioritiesSelected": false,
      "customFieldFilters": {
         "CustomVarCharField": ["Request for new computer"],
   "position": 1
  • id: the identification of chart. An auto-generated UUID.

  • names: the multilingual display name of the chart.


  • filter: list filters to apply for each chart

    • timePeriodSelection: type of period filter such as CUSTOM, LAST_WEEK, LAST_MONTH and LAST_6_MONTH

    • createdDateFrom: start time for custom period filter

    • createdDateTo: end time for custom period filter

    • selectedCaseCategories: case category filter

    • selectedRoles: role filter

    • isAllRolesSelected: indicator to inform if all roles are selected.

    • selectedCaseStates: case state filter

    • isAllCaseStatesSelected: indicator to inform if all case states are selected.

    • selectedTaskPriorities: task priority filter

    • isAllTaskPrioritiesSelected: indicator to inform if all priorities are selected.

    • customFieldFilters: list CustomField name filters, define by ICase.customFields()

      • CustomVarCharField: name of ICase.customFields()

  • position: position index of chart. Used to order the charts in the UI

Portal Dashboard Favorite Processes

You can include the favorite processes of your custom application via the following JSON file. It will be shown as the processes in the application favorite section.

Filename: variables.Portal.Dashboard.FavoriteProcesses.json

Data model:

[{ "id": "234152a58c7a48a2b63be8a946e5731b",
   "processType": "IVY_PROCESS",
   "names": [
         "locale": "de",
         "value": "Investition anlegen"
         "locale": "en",
         "value": "Create Investment"
         "locale": "fr",
         "value": "Réaliser un investissement"
         "locale": "es",
         "value": "Crear investición"
   "icon": "fa-building",
   "processId": "Portal/portal-developer-examples/Start Processes/IFrameExample/CreateInvestment.ivp",
   "index": 1
  • id: the identification of a process. auto-generated UUID.

  • processType: type of a process such as EXPRESS_PROCESS, EXTERNAL_LINK, IVY_PROCESS.

  • names: the display name of a process. Multilingual name is supported.

  • icon: the style class of the process icon.

  • processId: the process id of the process start.

  • index: the index number to order the processes in the dashboard.

Portal Express Processes

The standard express processes of the Portal are defined in this file:

Filename: variables.Portal.Processes.ExpressProcesses.json

Data model:

[{ "id": "f281e1ee7fb54bcda8d7a0c64ba46fc8",
   "processName": "Portal Express process",
   "processDescription": "Process",
   "processType": "AHWF",
   "processPermissions": ["Everybody"],
   "processOwner": "#portaladmin externalId:889",
   "processFolder": "8e9870b2-0179-46eb-bdb8",
   "readyToExecute": true,
   "processCoOwners": ["#demo externalId:9CA"],
   "icon": "fa-codepen",
   "taskDefinitions": [{
      "type": "USER_TASK",
      "responsibles": ["Everybody"],
      "subject": "Express user task",
      "description": "Express user task",
      "taskPosition": 1,
      "untilDays": 2,
      "formElements": [{
         "elementID": "Input area2020-09-07 04:57:05",
         "label": "Input area",
         "required": true,
         "intSetting": 7,
         "elementType": "InputTextArea",
         "optionStrs": [""],
         "elementPosition": "HEADER",
         "indexInPanel": 0
      }, {
         "type": "EMAIL",
         "responsibles": [],
         "taskPosition": 2,
         "untilDays": 3,
         "email": {
            "recipients": "",
            "responseTo": "",
            "subject": "Verify Express process",
            "content": "<p>Email content</p>",
            "attachments": [],
            "empty": false
   "ableToEdit": true,
   "useDefaultUI": false
  • id: the identification of an express process, auto-generated by UUID

  • processName: the display name of an express process

  • processDescription: the description of an express process

  • processType: type of express processes such as AMWF and AHWF

  • processPermissions: the process permissions who can see this express process

  • processOwner: the user information who create this express process

  • processFolder: the folder id where the express process use to store data

  • readyToExecute: indicator to inform that process can start or not

  • processCoOwners: the user information who can see this express process

  • icon: the style class of express icon

  • taskDefinitions: list tasks of the express process

    • type: type of the express task such as USER_TASK, USER_TASK_WITH_EMAIL, APPROVAL, and EMAIL

    • responsibles: responsible for the express task who can work on the task

    • subject: the name of an express task

    • description: the description of an express task

    • taskPosition: the index of a task in the express workflow steps

    • untilDays: the expiry day of an express task

    • formElements: list forms on the UI of the express task

      • elementID: auto-generated

      • label: the label of the element

      • required: indicator to inform that form element is required or not

      • intSetting: auto-generated

      • elementType: type of element

      • optionStrs: select options of an element

      • elementPosition: the position of an element on UI

      • indexInPanel: auto-generated

      • email: define an email task

        • recipients: the recipients of the email

        • responseTo: response to the email

        • content: the content of the email

        • attachments: list attachments

        • empty: indicator to inform that attachment is empty

  • ableToEdit: indicator to inform that express can edit

  • useDefaultUI: indicator to inform that express process is using default UI elements