Configure Welcome Widget

Define Welcome Widget

The Welcome widget of the Portal dashboard displays a welcome text and an image as its background.

Below is a sample JSON definition of a welcome widget in the Portal dashboard

   "type": "welcome",
   "id": "welcome_1",
   "layout": {
      "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 12, "h": 3
   "welcomeTexts" : [{
         "locale" : "en",
         "value" : "Welcome"
      }, {
         "locale" : "fr",
         "value" : "Bienvenue"
      }, {
         "locale" : "de",
         "value" : "Willkommen"
      }, {
         "locale" : "es",
         "value" : "Bienvenido"
   "welcomeTextPosition" : "BOTTOM_LEFT",
   "welcomeTextSize" : "NORMAL_TEXT",
   "welcomeTextColor" : "000000",
   "greeting" : false,
   "welcomeTextStyleClass" : "custom-text",
   "imageStyleClass" : "custom-image",
   "welcomeImageFit" : "COVER",
   "imageInlineStyle" : "background-color:red; border:solid;"

The basic JSON structure of a welcome widget

type: type of the widget. Use welcome for a welcome widget

id: ID of the widget

layout: layout definition of the welcome widget

x: HTML DOM Style left is calculated as x / 12 * 100%

y: HTML DOM Style top is calculated as y / 12 * 100%

w: HTML DOM Style width is calculated as 60 * w + 20 * (w - 1)

h: HTML DOM Style height is calculated as 60 * h + 20 * (h - 1)

styleClass (optional): add CSS Classes to HTML DOM of the widget

style (optional): add inline style to HTML DOM of the widget

welcomeTexts: the welcome text on the widget. This allows multi-language by user’s locale.

welcomeTextPosition: position for the welcome text relative to the widget. There are five positions:

BOTTOM_LEFT: Bottom left corner of the widget

BOTTOM_RIGHT: Bottom right corner of the widget

TOP_LEFT: Top left corner of the widget

TOP_RIGHT: Top right corner of the widget

CENTER: Center of the widget

welcomeTextSize: size for the welcome text. There are four sizes:

NORMAL_TEXT: Normal text font size (1.5rem)

HEADING_3: Normal header font size (2.5rem)

HEADING_2: Bigger header font size (3.5rem)

HEADING_1: Big header font size (5rem)

welcomeTextColor: color for the welcome text. You can input any value that accepted by the CSS attribute font-color.

greeting: Defines if a greeting text is added to the welcome text:

false: The widget displays just the text contained in welcomeTexts for the language of the user.

true: The widget displays the standard Portal greeting text, followed by text contained in welcomeTexts, both for the language of the user. The two texts are separated by comma.

welcomeTextStyleClass: style class for the welcome text.

imageStyleClass: style class for the image.

imageInlineStyle: inline style for the image.

welcomeImageFit: the property is used to specify how an image should be resized to fit its container. There are four options:

NONE: The image is not resized. If it is bigger than the container, its center will be shown partially, if it is smaller than the container, it is shown centered in the container.

FILL: The image is resized to fill the given dimension. The image will be distorted if the aspect ratios of image and container differ.

COVER: The image will keep its aspect ratio and be resized and cropped such that it fills the container completely.

CONTAIN: The image will keep its aspect ratio and will be resized such that it is shown completely within the container, showing empty side- or top/bottom bars.

You may upload a background image by configuring the widget directly in Portal.